What’s the meaning of human life

The main theme of my books is soul development. I also describe the meaning of human life, based on my own ideals and the ideals of known religious dogmas. They all agree on one thing: Man must or can achieve the original world in different ways. These ways may be available to man either in life or after death.
I think there’s only one way but in different interpretations. Because there are many religious and philosophical texts, and the descriptions of some events are quite similar, for example, the coming of gods with a whole set of knowledge to people who have just settled some lands, or the creation myth, or the battle with giants or titans, these are all descriptions of a once-united history that is remembered by all the peoples of our planet. Similarly, the personalities of the gods and patriarchs, as described in the sacred texts, are the same symbols of a long past epoch (detailed explanations in book 3 «Truth». You can see it through link https://books2read.com/u/bzoQJD).
I define that way as the transformation of reality by the soul throughout a man’s life. The cleaner the soul, the closer the consciousness is to the representation of the true reality, the more it is able to materialize around itself a pristine world, or paradise in the way we know it.
The process of purification comes from the desire of man to create own world with its own laws - the most selfish desire of man. This world is, by its very nature, a place of tranquility and happiness, whatever it may be expressed. There are so many worlds that it is impossible to choose the one to live according to its laws. If man is willing to break out of the illusion, he realizes that he wants to create not his own separate world, but the similarities of worlds to which he does not have access because of differences of soul qualities. Having begun to develop his soul, man gradually grows above himself. Having completely changed his worldview, man can achieve the highest state of his soul and merge with the world he once wanted to create.

Links to complete series Facets of the Soul:


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